Udo’s Choice Digestive Enzymes
Contains plant based enzymes to assist the breakdown key nutrient and to optimize the body’s absorption and use of food nutrients.
Contains the most complete range of 7 specific enzymes designed to breakdown each major nutrients type, i.e. carbs, protein
- protease to break down protein
- lipase to break down fat
- amylase to break down starches, sugars & carbohydrates
- cellulose to break down vegetable fibre
- lactase to break down lactose (milk sugar)
- alpha galactosidase to break down fermentable carbohydrates/oligosaccharides
- bromelain to break down protein
Provide support & relief to people suffering from gas, bloating, IBS, irregularity, reflux, allergies, fatigue, leaky gut & candida
Great for athletes who consume a large amount of food ie triathletes, runners, cyclists, bodybuilders
Made from 100% vegetarian source Aspergillus using a solid state fermentation process.
No refrigeration required
100% survival rate in gastric solution – no need for enteric coating